Catholic Identity

St Patrick’s is an inclusive and caring community that takes enrolments from all belief backgrounds.


St Patrick’s follows the Josephite tradition, a Catholic tradition that has produced women of the caliber such as St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. A tradition built on love, dignity, integrity and justice where a sense of compassion is the greatest gift.

Religious Education is a fundamental part of our school community and is integrated into the daily routine so that a Christian atmosphere is fostered as a way of life.

Religious Education at St Patrick's School aims to enhance and nurture the children's knowledge of and relationship with God and the Catholic faith tradition. Through nurturing the Catholic Faith in prayer, liturgy and celebration of the Sacraments, the teachings and promises of Jesus become central to the ethos of the school, thereby fostering an environment of genuine Christianity to be experienced each day.

The aim of religious education is to help all students of all religious backgrounds to become better informed and capable of thinking seriously about religion, acquiring knowledge, attitudes, values and skills to navigate life.

Religious Education lessons are offered throughout the week (2.5 hours per week) where no distinction is made between Catholic and non-Catholic students. Religious Education lessons are implemented using the school's Religious Education Program endorsed by Toowoomba Catholic Education.


Prayer services are held in conjunction with assemblies (each Friday). School Masses are held regularly throughout the year. Parents and friends are invited to attend liturgical occasions to share faith with the children. These liturgical celebrations are an opportunity for children to deepen their understanding of God and to appreciate the significance of Christ in their lives.


Children use a variety of prayer forms at the commencement and conclusion of the school day as well as at meal breaks. Traditional prayers are learnt and used as well as opportunities for children to create spontaneous prayers for special occasions and needs.

Our School Prayer

Creator God

This is our school,

Let peace be found here,

May the rooms be full of contentment.

Let love abide here,

Love of God,

Love of one another,

And love of life itself.

Let us remember that, as many hands build a house,

Many hearts make a school.
