20 March 2024 — Week 9, Term 1
Welcome from the Principal

Dear Families
As we sit back and reflect on Term 1, the word positivity springs to mind. From the outset of Week 1, the students and staff have worked together to form strong relationships. This has been evident in focused, small group and collaborative learning opportunities. The adoption of co-teaching strategies and delivery of co-teaching approach to our literacy learning has been extremely positive. Having two teachers working together in the classroom has enabled staff to target smaller groups of students to explicitly teach the concepts and skills they require to become expert readers. In addition, the adoption of "Kids in Space" as a STEM focused program has been a revelation this term. The level of student engagement and curiosity fostered by "Kids in Space" has been significant. The arrival of our 3D printer provides another level of complexity to our technological capabilities. A focus on jobs for the future remains a clear focus for our teachers at St Patrick’s.
Our school attendance rates have remained consistent throughout the term and whilst we currently sit at a 94.9% attendance rate, all students need to be congratulated for their persistence in getting to school. As John Hattie would say…”every minute counts.”
The St Patrick’s Parent’s and Friends Association together with members of the School Board have been proactive and supportive of the school’s vision. Most executive positions in both groups have been filled and we look forward with much enthusiasm to the remaining terms of 2024.
Without a doubt, and in talking to all members of our staff, it has been a long time since all members of our community have experienced such a positive start to a school year. Students, staff and members of the wider community have been accountable and persistent. Well done!!
Keith Blaikie—Principal
General Information
Lunch Boxes
Eating food from their lunchboxes, enables our students the energy to play, concentrate and learn. We have however, had several students lately not eating the food provided in their lunchboxes. They are either struggling to get through the amount of food supplied, or not wanting to eat the food provided, because they are in a rush to go play, or suddenly don't like what is in their lunchbox. In light of the fact that tastes can change, or growth spurts can occur, could we please ask parents to chat with their child about what is going into their lunchbox. Is there enough food? Is there too much food? Do students still like strawberries, or vegemite sandwiches? These are simple, but important questions which will help us ensure that students are feeding their bellies, to feed their brains.
Last Friday saw our first online Tuckshop via the Flexischools app/website for Amy's Cafe. We would like to thank Mrs Hoey and the St Patrick's P&F for organising this process for both students and staff. Families were able to place orders up until 5:30am on Friday morning and they were proptly delivered to school in time for lunch at 10:45am. Families will have the ongoing option of ordering tuckshop for their child via Flexischools each Friday of term.
Cross Country
Cross country will occur this Friday, March 22nd. We would like to thank Mr Mark Spranklin for working with students during HPE lessons this term to get them ready for the big event. The program for the day was emailed to families last Friday. Again, if you are able to assist staff on the day, please let the office know on Friday morning.
Please note that due to Tuckshop occuring this Friday, March 22nd, there will be no sausage sizzle at the conclusion of our Cross Country event.
Prep to Year 2 Excursion
On Wednesday March 27th, students in our Early Years will travel by bus to Toowoomba to view, "The Smeds and Smoos" at the Empire Theatre. This live stage show is adapted from the picture book by Julia Donaldson. On a far-off planet, Smeds and Smoos can’t be friends. So when a young Smed and Smoo fall in love and zoom off into space together, how will their families get them back? Music, laughs and interplanetary adventures will entertain all those attending this theatre experience.
Students are very excited about the excursion. A reminder to parents to ensure that they have provided approval for their child to attend this no-cost excursion via the Parent Portal.
News From the Library - Wheelers ePlatform
There are many ebooks and audiobooks, as well as decodable readers available from the TCSO Resource Centre link, via the Wheelers ePlatform. To access these, use this link to our Accessit - St Patrick's Allora (accessit.online)
Please bookmark this page if you wish to use it regularly.
To log in, students will need to enter their username@twb.catholic.edu.au, then their password, which will log them in to their Microsoft 365 account. At school, this will happen through Single Sign On (SSO).
When logged in, scroll down the home page to the link to wheelers eplatform. Click it, then go to log in at the top right hand corner. When you click that, the sign in button is then at the bottom left. Click to log in. You may be required to re-enter the username and password.
The second tab at the top is the link to decodable readers in different levels. There are fiction and nonfiction text available.
I hope students make use of this wonderful resource!
Please contact Mandie Tindall in the library if you have any difficulties.
Teaching and Learning
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. During the last week our Year 3 and Year 5 students have completed the Writing assessment, the Reading assessment, the Conventions of Language (Grammar and Punctuation) assessment and tomorrow, they will complete their final NAPLAN assessment, mathematics.
I would like to congratulate our Year 3 and Year 5 students for approaching these assessments with courage and integrity. They have arrived at school on time and ready to give their best efforts. We can not have asked any more from them. In saying that, we must remember that these assessments won't inform us of a students sporting ability; they won't describe a student's personality; nor comment on their ability to be generous and just. The NAPLAN assessments will purly outline the academic progress of students in Literacy and Numeracy over time.
Religious Life of the School
St Patrick's Day
Students and staff joined with the parish community to celebrate St Patrick's Feast Day today. St Patrick is not only the name chosen for our school, but he was also the Patron Saint of Ireland. St Patrick's Feast Day of March 17th, is the day we commemorate Patrick's arrival in Ireland and by extention, celebrating the heritage and culture of the Irish people in general. Patrick famously used the shamrock to teach the Irish about the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So, in following in the footsteps of the Irish, we pray that, your troubles be less, your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness comes through your door. Happy St Patrick's Day!
Holy Week
On Sunday we commence Holy Week, the final week of Lent. We begin with Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to the rousing cheers of locals. The next major event is Holy Thursday, where Jesus celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples. Many continue to gather on Holy Thursday to remember this special meal by celebrating Communion together. Then on Good Friday, we commemorate the trial, punishment and cruxification of Christ. Finally, on Easter Sunday we will joyously celebrate the risen Christ. On this holy day, and during this season of renewal, we pause to pray in thanksgiving for the many blessings that we have received. May we continue to be inspired by the words and actions of Christ today, tomorrow and always.
As a school community, we will gather together on Holy Thursday at 9am to celebrate Easter. We will gather in the undercover area to commence our liturgy and then rotate through four activities. Parents, grandparents and parishioners are welcome to join us as we celebrate this special Easter liturgical event.
Easter Holidays
Easter holidays will commence at the conclusion of school on Holy Thursday. Staff and students alike are looking forward to a rest from the busyness of our daily school lives. There will be no need to rush out the door on time, make lunches, or to remember hats and notes for two whole weeks. We pray that you travel safely if you are spending time away with family and friends. We also pray that you are able to recharge your batteries by spending quality time with family. Finally, we pray that you have a blessed Easter filled with faith, family and lots of chocolate.
St Patrick's Church Easter Ceremony Times
- 24 March - Palm Sunday Lay Led Liturgy 9am
- 26 March - Easter Reconciliation 9:30am
- 28 March - Holy Thursday Last Supper Mass 6pm
- 29 March - Good Friday 10am
- 31 March - Easter Sunday Mass 9am
Upcoming events - March
- Wednesday 20 March - Playgroup from 9:00am until 10:30am (C&K Kindy and Headstart)
- Wednesday 20 March - Newsletter
- Wednesday 20 March - P&F Meeting from 6pm via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4525690521. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend!
- Friday 22 March - St Patrick's School Cross Country
- Monday 25 March - Year 6 Anti-Bullying Session at Allora State School
- Monday 25 March - NAPLAN test window to close
- Wednesday 27 March - Prep to Year 2 Empire Theatre Excursion
- Thursday 28 March - Easter Liturgy 9:00am - Term 1 finishes at 2:55pm
- Good Friday - 29 March - PUBLIC HOLIDAY
- Monday 15 April - PUPIL FREE (Staff attend professional development workshops)
- Tuesday 16 April - Term 2 commences at 8:40am
- Wednesday 17 April - Newsletter
See the Sentral calendar for more information about these events.
Uniform Days
Wednesday, Friday
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am