26 March 2025 — Week 9, Term 1
Welcome from the Principal

Dear Families
The Power of Conversation: Building Connections and Understanding
I need to thank our Year 6 students who made me stop and think about the power of conversation. My moment of epiphany arrived when we attended the Youth Leadership Conference in Brisbane and we were listening to one of the founders of Orange Sky Laundry, Nic Marchesi. Nic reflected on his mother's influence as she would regularly meet with the homeless in and around the Brisbane CBD. On one visit, Nic met a rather distinguished elderly gentleman who had a massive affect on Nic. It is not just the poor and disadvantaged people of society who are homeless.
It was from this moment on that Nic's calling became clear. Whilst his idea of improving the hygiene of homeless people was their major goal and such a noble cause, he assumed that he was meeting the needs of the homeless. But it was not until that first load of washing was on that the real work began. This downtime allowed for a conversation between Nic and his clients. As Nic recounted..."this is where the real conversation took place."
In today's fast-paced world, conversations often take a backseat to the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, the importance of meaningful conversations cannot be overstated. They are the cornerstone of human connection, understanding, and can be so enriching and beneficial to our lives.
Fostering Relationships
Conversations are the building blocks of relationships. Whether it's a casual chat with a colleague or a deep discussion with a loved one, talking helps us connect on a personal level. Through conversations, we share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which strengthens our bonds and fosters a sense of belonging.
Enhancing Understanding
Effective communication is key to understanding others. Conversations allow us to see things from different perspectives, which can broaden our horizons and challenge our preconceived notions. By actively listening and engaging in dialogue, we can gain insights into other people's lives and experiences, promoting empathy and compassion.
Promoting Mental Health
Talking about our feelings and experiences can have a profound impact on our mental health. Conversations provide an outlet for expressing emotions, reducing stress, and alleviating feelings of loneliness. They can also offer support and validation, helping us navigate through difficult times.
Building Community
Conversations are the glue that holds communities together. They foster a sense of unity and cooperation, enabling people to work together towards common goals. Whether it's through community meetings, social gatherings, or online forums, conversations help build a sense of community and collective identity.
In a world where digital communication often dominates, it is so important to remember the value of face-to-face conversations. They are essential for building relationships and positive communities.
St Patrick's Sacramental Program
The St Patrick’s Sacramental program is now drawing to close for Term 1. Our thanks must go to Ms Preston together with our 12 students and their sponsors who have approached all the lessons with diligence and enthusiasm. At this very special time in the faith development of our young people, please keep the following students in your thoughts and prayers over the coming weeks. We acknowledge Aiden H, Noah , Bryce H, Leo H, Oliver J, Rose K, Georgia L, Cormac M, Edward M, Charlee P, Oceania P, Leo W and Lachlan S who participated in lessons this term.
Please note - Change to Week 10 Holy Week Celebrations
In order to acknowledge the importance of the Sacramental journey of our students, the school will now celebrate Mass as a whole school on Tuesday 1 April commencing at 9:15am in the St Patrick's Church. This will replace the 'Road to Jerusalem' celebration that was planned for Thursday 3 April.
The theme for Mass will focus on reconciliation and the notion that God is full of mercy and compassion. Although sometimes we choose to do the wrong thing, God is waiting for us ready to forgive us when we admit our mistakes.
Everyone is most welcome to attend this event. Students who are part of the Sacramental Program for 2025 will remain in Church at the end of Mass as they will participate in a Reconciliation Ritual with Ms Preston and Father Warren.
We are so looking forward to the annual St Patrick's P&F Family Fun Day on Saturday. Look out for the staff golf team. They are quietly confident of being able to avoid the 'Wooden Spoon' this year. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a safe and holy Easter break. May you enjoy this special time with family and friends.
As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please contact the school.
Keith Blaikie—Principal
Supporters - St Patrick's Family Fun Day

General Information

St Patrick's Parents and Friends Association
Preparations are well underway for the annual St Patrick's P&F Family Fun Day which is being held on Saturday 29 March from 12:00pm to 7:00pm. Whilst the weather is causing some concern at the moment, we can guarantee that many eyes will be focused on the weather charts over the coming days. As Cyclone Alfred taught us, we need to air on the side of caution before making any decision about postponement of the event. All we can say is watch this space.
The St Patrick's P&F Care and Concern group conducted home visits on Saturday 22 March. It was one of the best attendances since this initiative began in 2021. Apart from visiting two of our elderly families, new frames for the school's tents were changed, pruning of the gardens at the entrance to school was completed and the concrete ramp was cleaned. Well done to all our volunteers.
Finally, please see attached to this email, the meeting minutes of the St Patrick's P&F Meeting that was held on Wednesday 19 March. Our aim is to provide as much transparency as possible into the activities of the St Patrick's P&F Association. Please remember that all meetings are open to any member of the school community. You do not have to be a member of the executive committee to attend. See you on Saturday!!
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please contact the school or the St Patrick's P&F directly via email at stpatspnf@gmail.com.
Youth Leadership Conference - Charlee P (Glengallan)
On Monday 10 March, Year 6 travelled to the big smoke of Brisbane and participated in the Youth Leadership Conference Whilst being at the conference, we learnt three leadership strategies that we could use back at school.
1. G.O.T Strategy - Growing- Consider / Opening- Support / Trusting- Consistent
2. 3 R Approach to Leadership - Be -Relatable / Reliable / Respectful.
3. Triple A Approach to Leadership - Accept / Acknowledge / Ask
When we were there, we also met the famous Olympic Australian swimmer, Brook Hanson. Her favorite saying was DON’T QUIT! DO IT!
We also met CEO of the Youth Leadership Organisation, and his name was Wil Massara. Wil is 22 years old and always had a passion to help people and make them feel like a leader should.
The third person to speak was co-founder of Orange Sky Laundry, Nic Marchesi. Nic was just a little boy when he met his first homeless person who was sleeping on a bench each night. That is when he thought and told his friend that he wanted to start something to wash clothes for the homeless. So, when they were older, they had a deal with washing machines. Well, that didn’t go so well. They blew up the first four up, but they didn’t give up. What I learnt from that is that people always have ups and downs.
Year 6 had a great time when we were there, and I hope we can be the best leaders we possibly can.
Youth Leadership Conference

Central Downs Netball - Violet W (Glengallan)
On Monday 24 March, Katelyn, Mahalia and Violet went to the Southern Downs Netball trials at Barnes Park in Warwick. It which started at 9:00am in the morning, and we split into two groups, the seniors and the juniors. The two groups played five games of netball. After the games were completed, the coach selected the Probables and Possibles. The Probables and Possibles played one more game which decided who would make it into Darling Downs team. Congratulations must go to Katelyn who was selected for Southern Downs. It was a wonderful day of netball.

Teaching and Learning
Library update and visit to Headstart Allora - Mrs Tindall
Students in Glengallan and Dalrymple have been learning how to use Encyclopedia Britannica, through Accessit. They will now move to applying these skills so they will gain confidence in tackling tasks independently. We are developing the important information literacy skills of analysing the wording of questions, so students feel confident they are answering the task as required and selecting information that helps them answer the question.
In Cunningham, we continue to look at selecting important information from text. We have read and highlighted important text as a group. The next step for students will be to write notes and create their own sentences to develop the skill of using their own words. In Talgai, we are enjoying stories and exploring the library collections.
On Monday, I ventured over to Headstart Allora. I took some of the shells and coral pieces I have collected off the beach for the children to look at, touch and feel and we shared a story with their older group. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and am looking forward to going again next term.

Teaching and Learning in TCS framework - Mick Floyd | TCSO Learning and Innovation
The Teaching and Learning in Toowoomba Catholic Schools (TCS) framework is designed to elevate the educational experience for all students across our schools and colleges. The primary purpose of the Teaching and Learning in TCS framework is to build on the exceptional work already occurring in our 32 schools, providing a cohesive and comprehensive blueprint for delivering consistent and equitable education. It outlines the priorities and requirements for curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting, ensuring that every student, regardless of their location, background, or abilities, has access to high-quality education.
The Framework is built on four interconnected elements, all focused on engaging students in learning. These elements are informed by 'High Quality Teaching' and 'Multi-Tiered Systems of Support' (MTSS) to maximise learning success. The Framework promotes a collaborative approach among educators, students, and the community, valuing shared wisdom and collective growth. It also emphasises adaptability, allowing teaching and learning practices to be tailored to local contexts while maintaining a cohesive system-wide approach.
Drawing heavily on the science of learning research, the Framework provides clear guidelines and a structured approach to selecting the instructional strategies that align with how students learn best. By promoting a whole-school approach to teaching and learning with the support of this Framework, schools foster an environment that enables learning, engages the learner, builds and deepens their knowledge and skills, and empowers them with agency to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
St Patrick's School staff will unpack this new document over the course of Term 2. Our goal will be to align our current 'St Pat's Effective Learners' learning dispositions with the language associated with the TCSO teaching and Learning framework.

Upcoming events
- Thursday 27 March - Southern Downs Rugby League Trials (selected Glengallan)
- Saturday 29 March - St Patrick's P&F Family Fun Day from 12:00pm to 7:00pm at the Allora Bowls Club (All welcome! BBQ to commence at 3:30pm)
- Tuesday 1 April - Reconciliation Whole School Mass commencing at 9:15am in the Church (All are welcome to attend!)
- Wednesday 2 April - Central Downs Cross Country at Pilton State School (selected students only)
- Wednesday 2 April - St Patrick's Playgroup (Mercy Group Warwick) commencing at 9:00am until 10:30am
- Wednesday 2 April - Prep Open Morning from 9:00am to 10:30am
- Friday 4 April - Term 1 concludes at 2:55pm
- Friday 18 April - Good Friday
- Monday 21 April - Easter Monday
- Tuesday 22 April - PUPIL FREE (Staff Professional Development) Office closed
- Wednesday 23 April - Term 3 resumes at 8:40am
- Friday 25 April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday (Allora Parade commences at 10:40am)
See the Sentral calendar for more information.
Uniform Days
Summer Uniform
Formal - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Sports - Wednesday, Friday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am