12 March 2025 — Week 7, Term 1
Welcome from the Principal

Dear Families
Thomas Groome: The power of anecdotes
The St Patrick’s Sacramental program commenced in Week 6 under the expert guidance of Ms Preston with 12 keen and enthusiastic students who were ably supported by their family sponsors. It was a real privilege to participate in this session as the content provided a purposeful and meaningful revision of the theoretical and practical aspects of Reconciliation. The conversations within the classroom also reminded me of the world renowned theologian, Dr Thomas Groome. Dr Groome is a professor of Theology and Religious Education from Boston College in the United States and has published a plethora of books and articles that centre on Religious Education.
But like us all, Dr Groome and his wife, who is also a Professor of Theology, face the same challenges many of us face as parents. The Groome's are the proud parents of an adopted son Teddy who is 23 years of age. Dr Groome is currently 75 years of age and as you would surmise, became a parent rather late in life. But for such a learned man, it was his ability to convey his experiences through anecdotes that related to his son proved not only insightful but provided an avenue to reflect of my own experiences as a parent and navigator of my own faith development. I would like to share with you one of his anecdotes:
As we have done every day since we brought Teddy home as a baby, we say a prayer to welcome each new day. On this day, Dr Groome together with his 15 year old son Teddy drove to school. On the way Dr Groome suggested to Teddy that they say their usual prayer. Teddy made it clear that he will not say the prayer anymore. Quite taken aback, Dr Groome asked for an explanation as to why Teddy did not want to say the prayer. Teddy replied in a confident manner that he has now become an atheist. Dr Groome reflected on Teddy’s response throughout the day and agreed that while it was disappointing that Teddy feels this way, at least we can discuss our faith and beliefs. The following day during their daily pilgrimage to school, Dr Groome nearly passed out as Teddy, with much enthusiasm and celebration said, “…let’s say our prayer together Dad.”
In the words of Dr Groome, “Religion is certainly a challenge.”
With the influence of Cyclone Alfred slowly diminishing, as always, we keep those people who have been affected in our thoughts and prayers. Given the challenges of potential school closures and flooding, school attendance has been very strong over the previous week. Thank you to our parents and students for your commitment in this space. We look forward to our Cross Country on Friday where the weather is forecast to be fine, but the track will be heavy.
As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please contact the school.
Keith Blaikie—Principal
My New Gallery

People of Purpose (P.O.P) - Mahailia W and Katelyn P
At our last P.O.P meeting, we have decided to continue our Zooper Dooper fundraiser. We have chosen as a group to change the day for selling. It will now commence on a Wednesday. If you are on a bus, you will still be able to get one, you will just have to purchase one at snack, and if you are not on a bus, you can buy one at the end of the day. Each Zooper Dooper is only 50c. This event will only be held once a week until the end of the term. So don’t miss out! Thank you, staff of St Patrick's School, for going out of your way to donate the Zooper Doopers for this wonderful cause. This is very much appreciated.
We will have P.O.P suggestion boxes in the Church and at the front office. If you have any suggestions of what we can do to further help our community, please just slip a little note into our suggestion boxes or contact a member of P.O.P.
Your suggestions will be part of discussions in our next meeting. Thank you for your kindness and compassion towards P.O.P.

General Information

St Patrick's Parents and Friends Association
Preparations are well underway for the annual St Patrick's P&F Family Fun Day which is being held on Saturday 29 March from 12:00pm to 7:00pm. The number of local businesses from the broader community who have expressed an interest to support this event is once again extremely positive. In a new innovation for 2025 and to highlight the St Patrick's Family Fun Day supporters, company or individual supporters will be displayed at the front of the school.
In other St Patrick's P&F news, please see the information below in regard to the proposed social events for 2025. The events will be added to the Sentral Calendar for your information.
St Patrick’s P&F Association – Social events 2025
Term 1
- 29 January – Parents morning tea and coffee (Katie’s Café) from 9:45am following the Welcome Assembly (completed)
- 6 February – Meet and Greet (St Patrick’s School) from 4:00pm until 6:00pm (completed)
- 29 March – St Patrick’s P&F Family Fun Day (Allora Bowls Club)
Term 2
- 8 May - Mother’s Day Liturgy followed by morning tea (St Patrick’s School from 9:30am) with Mother’s Day Stall from 2:00pm to 3:00pm on Wednesday 7 May
- 20 June – St Patrick’s P&F Family Social (Railway Hotel from 3:00pm)
Term 3
- 25 July – Parents morning tea and coffee (Golden Wattle Café from 8:45am)
- 4 September – Father’s Day Liturgy (St Patrick’s School from 9:30am) with Father’s Day Stall from 2:00pm to 3:00pm Wednesday 3 September
- 5 September – St Patrick’s P&F Father’s Day BBQ from 5:00pm until 7:00pm
Term 4
- 17 October – St Patrick’s School and Parish Fete from 5:00pm to 10:00pm
- 28 November – St Patrick’s P&F Association Christmas 'get together' (Railway Hotel from 3:00pm)
As always, if you have any questions or queries, please contact the school or the St Patrick's P&F directly via email at stpatspnf@gmail.com .
St Patrick's School - Uniform bulk order
With Winter beginning to appear on the horizon, St Patrick's P&F would like to place a bulk order of uniforms which helps to the reduce the cost to parents and also limit the amount of stock held at school. The School Uniform 2025 order form will be sent home with each child on Wednesday 12 March. Please return these forms to the school office by Wednesday 19 March.
If you require any uniforms for Winter, we have attached a summary of the uniform suppliers used by St Patrick's School in the Newsletter. As always, if you have queries or concerns, please contact the office.
Teaching and Learning
Our Year 3 and 5 learners will be engaging in the online format of NAPLAN once again this year. Unlike the paper version of the test, the online version has a larger window for completion as it opens on Wednesday 12 March and closes on Monday 24 March. This extra time will allow for any trouble shooting or technical problems to be resolved.
Please find below an outline of our school NAPLAN Testing Timetable for 2025. All tests will be completed during Session 1 on the designated school day. Only one test will be completed on each day.
- Wednesday 12 March – Year 3 and 5 Writing (Only Year 5 will be completed online)
- Thursday 13 March – Year 3 and 5 Reading
- Tuesday 18 March – Year 3 and 5 Conventions of Language
- Wednesday 19 March – Year 3 and 5 Numeracy
- Monday 24 March – NAPLAN window will close (All tests need to be completed)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school or, alternatively, the NAPLAN online site has a very helpful ‘demonstration page’. Access - Public demonstration site (nap.edu.au)
NAPLAN 2025 – Some important information
Whilst the planning phase of the NAPLAN testing schedule is well underway for 2025, the reporting of results will be the same as 2024. To provide some further explanation, we have included a resource which outlines information for parents. Another very valuable resource is the FAQ’s in relation to NAPLAN which can be located using https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/faqs. This site provides a wealth of information that may clarify any queries or concerns you may have in relation to NAPLAN for 2025. In summary:
How is my child’s performance reported?
Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each assessment. This scale indicates whether the student is meeting expectations for the literacy and numeracy skills needed to participate fully in that year level. A NAPLAN individual student report will be provided by your child’s school later in the year. If you do not receive a report, you should contact your child’s school.
The new proficiency standard adopted in 2023 will be used again in 2025. There are four levels of achievement for each year level and this replaces the previous 10-band structure and the national minimum standard used across the four domains. The four levels of achievement are:
- Exceeding
- Strong
- Developing
- Needs additional support.
How are NAPLAN results used?
- Students and parents/carers may use individual results to discuss progress with teachers.
- Teachers use results to help identify students who need greater challenges or extra support.
- Schools use results to identify strengths and areas of need to improve teaching programs and to set goals in literacy and numeracy.
- School systems use results to review the effectiveness of programs and support offered to schools.
- The community can see information about the performance of schools over time at myschool.edu.au.
Religious Life of the School
New research shows lifelong benefits of Catholic schooling

Catholic school graduates, on average, are more likely to be employed, earn higher wages and have higher life satisfaction and better general health compared with those from the government sector, according to new research. Source: The Australian.
Commissioned by the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, the new anaylsis of national data found the average wage difference ranged from 4 per cent to 11 per cent, and people who had attended Catholic schools were more likely to work in a job that directly benefited the community.
It also said the data, based on the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, pointed to producing people who were more likely to donate to charity.
The research was undertaken by the Centre for International Research on Education Systems at Victoria University and will be used to bolster the argument of the net positive impact of the non-government sector during the next round of school funding negotiations.
There is huge pressure on governments in Australia’s largest cities to provide new schools in growth corridors and demand among communities – many emanating from overseas – for a spiritual dimension to education.
VCEA chief executive officer Elizabeth Labone said there was a growing demand for a holistic response to education among parents looking for more affordable options.
“By educating the whole person, Catholic schools seek to support the development of well-rounded individuals who will succeed and be happy and confident in the world during and after their schooling, whatever path they choose through life,’’ Professor Labone said.
“Parents are increasingly looking for this kind of holistic approach, which is why a growing number of families are choosing one of the affordable Catholic schooling options available across the state.’’
Full Article - New research shows lifelong benefits of Catholic schooling - CathNews
Upcoming events
- Friday 14 March - St Patrick's School Cross Country (from 9:00am to 10:45am at St Patrick's School)
- Wednesday 12 March to Monday 24 March - NAPLAN assessments Years 3 and 5
- Monday 17 March - Year 6 to attend Youth Leadership Academy at the Brisbane City Hall
- Monday 17 March - Happy St Patrick's Day - wear something green to celebrate!
- Wednesday 19 March - St Patrick's School Playgroup from 9:00am to 10:30am at the sandpit
- Wednesday 19 March - St Patrick's P&F Association Meeting from 6:00pm
- Thursday 20 March - School Advisory Council (Board) Meeting commencing at 6:00pm in the library
- Friday 21 March - Whole School Assembly in the Church commencing at 2:15pm
- Saturday 22 March - St Patrick's P&F Association Care and Concern home visits from 9:00am to 11:00am
- Wednesday 26 March - Newsletter
See the Sentral calendar for more information.
Uniform Days
Summer Uniform
Formal - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Sports - Wednesday, Friday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am