15 May 2024 — Week 5, Term 2
Welcome from the Principal

Dear Families
As we begin Week 5, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our mothers, grandmothers and special aunts a very happy Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day always provides a time for us to reflect on the importance of the unconditional love and support that is provided to our children, no matter their age or stage in life. The celebration of Mother’s Day as a school community always holds a very special place in the life of St Patrick’s School. Our thanks must go to Miss Hickey and the students of Dalrymple for leading the school in a highly reflective and emotive connection to the importance of Mother’s Day.
The pampering of our mothers in the Talgai classroom prior to our Mothers’ Day Prayer Celebration was such a happy and joyful occasion. It was a joy to witness the many smiling faces as the beauty products were applied, in some, very imaginative ways, to our mothers and grandmothers. Mrs Hentschel and Mrs Johnson could most certainly open a beauty salon in Allora.
As I said in my concluding remarks at the Mother’s Day Prayer Celebration, the high attendance of our parents is testament to the strong and welcoming nature of St Patrick’s School. Whilst I acknowledge the importance of the academic development of our students, it is also important to develop the social education of our students and to expose them to positive community events such as Mother’s Day.
I would also like to acknowledge the St Patrick’s P&F Association who organised the beautiful biscuits which were sent home as a gift from our students to the special women in their lives.
Community is such an important facet of what we do here at St Patrick's School and it can never be under estimated in its importance and value. As the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (2018) would suggest:
What is a ‘sense of community’?
Having a ‘sense of community’ is generally thought to be when members of a community experience four, positive feelings:
- Belonging: Feeling you are part of the community, are accepted, safe, and identify with the community.
- Influence: Feeling you ‘matter’ and can make a difference to the community and the community can have influence on you and its members.
- Integration and fulfilment of needs: Feeling your needs can be met by the community.
- Shared emotional connection: Feeling attachment or bonding between community members through shared experience, place or history.
Connecting to place and to people
Ideally, an education and care service community involves meaningful connection to place and people. Community members are valued and, through strong, positive relationships and shared decision making, they feel a sense of belonging and connection to the place and people. Both dimensions make positive contributions to feeling a sense of community.
Communities share a purpose
A community is usually driven by a shared purpose – the tangible reason for connecting and working together. Ideally, in children’s education and care, this shared purpose is promoting positive educational and developmental outcomes for children.
Keith Blaikie—Principal

General Information
St Patrick’s P&F Family Fun Day
Word on the street suggests that preparations for the annual St Patrick’s P&F Family Fun Day are well underway. There will be a plethora of activities on offer for both young and old. Everyone is cordially invited to attend this event and participate in whatever capacity suits their athletic or social ability. If you have any questions or queries about the St Patrick's P&F Family Fun Day, the P&F have provided a number of common questions and answers which may help to clarify the purpose of the event.
1. Will there be entertainment for the children?
Yes, and it’s all free!!! There will be bingo, face painting, ballon twisting and mini golf from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
2. Will there be entertainment for the adults?
Butch Collier will be there from 2:30pm – 6:30pm
3. Do you have to play golf and bowls or can you have a team for just one?
You can play both golf and bowls individually.
4. How many players do you need in a golf or bowls team?
Four people are required per team.
5. What ages can participate in the golf and bowls?
Any age can participate. It is just important that younger children are supervised while participating to avoid any damage to equipment or lawns.
6. Do I have to play golf or bowls to attend the event?
Definitely not! This is a community event and everyone is welcome to come whether you are playing golf, bowls or just want to eat a world renowned hamburger from the BBQ. There will be a multi-draw raffle drawn in the evening with tickets being sold on the day.
Family Fun Day - Saturday 18 May – HOMEBAKE STALL HELP
Home Bake Stall– If you can provide some home bake for the St Patrick's Family Fun Day Home Baking Stall would be much appreciated. Please include a list, just one is fine, of the ingredients and individual portions ready for sale. Please either drop off at school Friday 17 May or at the Allora Sports Club on Saturday after 9:00am.
Family Fun Day - Program of Events
12:00pm – Golfers meet at the Allora Sports Club
12:00pm – Sweet Stall run by Glengallan
1:00pm – 4:00pm - Mini Golf, Face Painting and Kids Bingo
2:30pm – 6:30pm – Live Music to commence
3:30pm – BBQ to commence
4:00pm – Winners of the Golf Competition to be announced
4:30pm - Bowls to commence
5:00pm - Multi Draw Raffle to be drawn
6:30pm - Multi Draw Raffle winners and Bowls winners announced. Vote of Thanks - St Patrick's P&F
7:00pm Wrap up and night concludes
This is just a reminder about ordering Tuckshop online via the Flexischools app/website for Amy's Cafe. Families were able to place orders up until 5:30am on Friday morning and they were proptly delivered to school in time for lunch at 10:45am. Families will have the ongoing option of ordering tuckshop for their child via Flexischools each Friday of term.
If you have any feedback in regard to Tuckshop please let either Kathryn Hoey (P&F) or Keith Blaikie (Principal) know. This feedback will be given to Amy's Cafe to either steamline or improve the delivery of Tuckshop to our school community.
Teaching and Learning
Diocesan Approach to Reading
Toowoomba Catholic Schools is implementing a new approach to the teaching of reading in 2024. This change is primarily due to the introduction of Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) version 9 which requires the adoption of some updated teaching practices. These changes are not new to St Patrick's School. Our early years staff have been using a structured and systematic approach to the teaching of phonological awareness and phonics that incorporates the use of decodable texts and explicit word work for the past 12 months.
Further information about the Diocesan Approach to Reading is provided below for your information.
Internet Safe Education
Please see below, a summary of the key messages provided by Mr Brett Lee who delivered the Internet Safe Education sessions during Week 3. If you would like further information, the school has been provided with a copy of Brett's book titled 'Screen Resolution'. It is well worth a read!
5 Key Messages and Actions for Technology: (Internet Safe Education)
- Communicate with your kids
- Set clear rules and boundaries
- Stay up to date with apps and programs
- Consider and use parental controls
- Be the one who makes the final decision.
Information on the latest Apps, Games, Books, Podcasts, Websites or Movies
Common Sense Media - Access the following link for a parent friendly resource https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
Religious Life of the School
Faith and Family: A constant challenge
With the recent celebration of Mother’s Day, I am always reminded of a past professional development session I attended with the noted theologian, Dr Groome. Dr Groome is a professor of Theology and Religious Education from Boston College in the United States and has published a plethora of books and articles that centre on Religious Education.
But like us all, Dr Groome and his wife, who is also a Professor of Theology, face the same challenges many of us face as parents. The Groomes are the proud parents of an adopted son Teddy who is 15 years of age. Dr Groome is currently 67 years of age and as you would surmise, became a parent rather late in life. But for such a learned man, it was his ability to convey his experiences through anecdotes that related to his son proved not only insightful, but provided an avenue to reflect of my own experiences as a parent and navigator of my own faith development. I would like to share with you one of these anecdotes;
As we have done every day since we brought Teddy home as a baby, we say a prayer to welcome each new day. On this day, Dr Groome together with is 15 year old son Teddy drove his son to school. On the way Dr Groome suggested to Teddy that they say their usual prayer. Teddy made it clear that he will not say the prayer anymore. Quite taken aback, Dr Groome asked for an explanation as to why Teddy did not want to say the prayer. Teddy replied in a confident manner that he has now become an atheist. Dr Groome reflected on Teddy’s response throughout the day and agreed that while it was disappointing that Teddy feels this way, it least we can discuss our faith and beliefs. The following day during their daily pilgrimage to school, Dr Groome nearly passed out as Teddy, with much enthusiasm and celebration said “let’s say our prayer together Dad”.
In the words of Dr Groome, “Religion is certainly a challenge”. We hope all our motherly figures were truly spoilt on Sunday. Your unconditional love and support is greatly appreciated.

Upcoming events - May
- Wednesday 15 May - St Patrick's Playgroup from 9:00am until 10:30am
- Wednesday 15 May - Newsletter
- Saturday 18 May - St Patrick's P&F Family Fun Golf/ Bowls Day from 12:00pm to 7:00pm
- Tuesday 21 May - Mary Help of Christians whole school Mass commencing at 9:30am
- Wednesday 22 May - Marty Savage (TCSO) to visit
- Wednesday 22 May - Judging of 'Kids in Space' group designs from 2pm - All are welcome to attend!
- Thursday 23 May - Whole School Assembly (Learning Showcase - Dalrymple) commencing at 2:15pm in the Church
- Friday 24 May - Central Downs Gala Day Sports #1 (Glengallan and Dalrymple students only)
- Monday 27 May - Reconciliation Prayer Celebration commencing at 2:15pm in the Church
- Wednesday 29 May - St Patrick's Playgroup from 9:00am until 10:30am
- Wednesday 29 May - Newsletter
- Wednesday 5 June - Prep 2025 'Come and Try' from 9:00am until 10:30am
- Friday 7 June - 'Kids in Space' State competition in Toowoomba
- Friday 7 June - Central Downs Gala Day Sports #2
- Friday 7 June - Under 8's Day in Clifton (Talgai and Cunningham students only)
See the Sentral calendar for more information.
Uniform Days
Wednesday, Friday
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Please remember that we are a...
‘Nut Aware’ School.
Times for Mass at St Patrick's Church are as follows:
1st Sunday - 9am 2nd and 3rd Sunday – 5.30pm
4th & 5th Sunday Liturgy of the Word with Communion - 9am